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The word liturgy literally means “ministry of the people.” At Good Soil, the worship service is crafted to be relevant, meaningful, and participatory. We have a variety of opportunities to serve in worship (see below). To sign up to serve as a worship servant through our scheduling platform, Ministry Scheduler Pro, click the link above. Then search for and download the MSP app for quick access to features like blocking dates, requesting a sub, etc. Thank you for your service to God and this faith community!

Worship Servant Descriptions

Acolytes – The word “acolyte” comes from a Greek word that means helper or companion. When you serve as an acolyte you are helping people feel a sense of God’s presence with the light of Christ in worship. Acolytes help set a joyful and reverent tone for worship and bring a sense of celebration and anticipation to the service. Thank you for being a leader at church! Click here for the full acolyte guide. Click here for a worship example guide.

Altar Care (Set Up Before Worship) – Serving on the altar care team is a great way to serve God and help people encounter a tangible experience of God’s love during worship through communion. Click here for the set-up guide.

Counters – Counters are responsible for organizing all the offerings received during the service as well as anything that might have been collected during the week. They count all the cash and checks, record all offerings and prepare them for the bank deposit.

Lector (Reader) – Lectors are a vital part of proclaiming the life-giving Word of God. They read the scripture passages during worship, pray the prayers of intercession, and lead the dismissal. They also help with other designated readings during special services. Click here for the full lector guide.

Ushers and Greeters – Ushers and greeters help to prepare the worship space, welcome people as they arrive and help them throughout the service as needed. Often ushers and greeters are the first people that parishioners and guests encounter when they attend worship, so they are a vital part of people experiencing a sense of God’s wide welcome and hospitality here at Good Soil. Because of that, please make intentional effort to be warm, friendly, and inviting. Your ministry makes a difference, thank you! Click here for the full usher and greeter guide. Click here for a worship example guide.

Online Usher – Online ushers are a vital part of helping folks experience a sense of God’s wide welcome and hospitality through Good Soil, even from afar. You are welcome to attend in-person while serving as the online usher if you keep your phone/tablet on silent. You can also serve from home. View the online usher guide here.

Livestream Operator – The livestream operator serves by managing the audio and video experience during worship to enable the gospel message to be shared beyond the walls of the congregation. This includes adjusting sound, operating 2 cameras, and navigating through the worship slides. Personalized training and step by step instructions offered from our livestream team. You may also view the livestream start-up guide here.

Coffee Fellowship: Set/Clear – In this role you will make coffee/tea and set out sugar, creamer, cups and napkins, attend coffee hour and enjoy fellowship. After coffee hour has ended, you will clear off surfaces and stow supplies, rinse pots, ensure the coffee maker is shut down properly, and return/share leftover treats/baked goods.

Coffee Fellowship: Treats/Baked Goods – Please sign up for this role if you would like provide snacks of your choosing! Signing up here helps us plan more effectively!